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    Inge Halvdan Frederiksen

    Inge Halvdan Frederiksen

    1970 – 2005

    Inge Frederiksen, one of the founding members and guitarist of Badger passed away on the 6th of September. The incredibly sad news about the loss of Inge Frederiksen came as a shock to the band, the fans, friend and family. Although he had been ill for some time no one expected this to end tragically.

    Inge_prestvannBadger_18jun05_1aInge Frederiksen was increasingly ill over the summer and finally hospitalized in mid-August with flu-like symptoms. He was diagnosed with the disease Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) which is an autoimmune disease. But after three weeks in hospital on a treatment including chemotherapy his vital organs shut down and in the end he suffered a fatal brain hemorrhage.Gravstein

    The funeral was held on September 14th. The chapel was so crowded people had to stand up in the back. Børge Figenschau held an eulogy and Badger played the Beatles song «In My Life». It was a beautiful and memorable ceremony. He was cremated and laid to rest at Tromsø gravlund.
    Inge Frederiksen was 34 years old.



    1 October 2005 News

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