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    New album released today

    New album released today

    «Stars, Guitars and Motorcars» released.

    Today Badger released their 3rd album «Stars, Guitars and Motorcars». The album was recorded at Kysten Studio in Tromsø and produced by Jon Marius Åreskjold, Joel Schwalenstocker and Badger.

    They also had a little help from their friends. Musicians contributing are Henry Johnsen, Harald Amundsen, Håkon Rundberg, Joel Schwalenstocker, Christian Hyld, Fred Glesnes, Torbjørn Ingvaldsen, Johanne Ballovarre, Heidi Solheim and Benjamin Mørk.

    The album is available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and Wimp. The vinyl can be pre-ordered from Platekompaniet. The CD and vinyl will be available at Backbeat from the 11th of October.

    Although Badger has written a lot of songs over the years it has taken some time to get into the studio to record. They have been working on the album since 2010. One reason it has taken this time is Kim Karlsen‘s and Håvard Stangnes‘ involvement in other projects. But finally we can sit back and enjoy. Good thing come to them who waits.



    4 October 2013 News

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