Recent posts:
The voting is over
Is Badger going to Norwegian Wood?
The Norwegian Wood competition has reached its final stage. The voting is over and the final results will be released tomorrow. Let’s hope Badger has received enough votes.
Live at Driv
Arctic Pop Explosion vol. 2.
Last night’s concert at Driv was a real treat. Badger played the Arctic Pop Explosion for a second time.
Norwegian Wood Festival
Vote for Badger.
Badger is competing with 22 other Norwegian bands to join the Norwegian Wood Festival in Oslo on the 19th and 20th of June this year.
New concert date
New date added to the concert list.
A new concert date is released. On the 2nd of April Badger is teaming up with Washington and Vishnu for yet another Arctic Pop Explosion at Driv in Tromsø. The last Arctic Pop Explosion was a great event so this is something to look forward to.
NRK: Gjennom første nåløye
Det er nå klart hvilke band som kommer med i avstemninga om hvem som får spille på Underwood-scenen under Norwegian Wood i juni.
Det kom inn omtrent 300 bidrag til redaksjonen før fristen for påmelding gikk ut 31. mars. De åtte som får flest stemmer skal spille lørdag og søndag 19. og 20. juni på Underwood-scenen.
Nordlys: Tromsøbandet Badger med plate i Japan
Tromsø-bandet Badger er klar for Japan. Snart lanseres den siste Badger-plata «C’mon girls» i Solens rike av et plateselskap i Tokyo.
– Vi møtte en representant for selskapet da vi deltok på en popfestival i New York i 2001. Han likte tydeligvis veldig godt det han hørte, forteller Håvard Stangnes og Isak Måseide.